43rd Parliament,
1st Session
(December 5, 2019 - August 18, 2020)
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Meeting Detail
Bill C-11, An Act to amend the Copyright Act
- Christian Bedard, Director General(Regroupement des artsistes en arts visuels du Quebec)
- Francine Bertrand-Venne, Lawyer(As an individual)
- Sylvie Desrosiers, Literary writer(As an individual)
- Jason Kee, Director, Policy and Legal Affairs(Entertainment Software Association of Canada)
- John Lewis, Director of Canadian Affairs(International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees)
- Michael McCarty, President(ole)
- Barry Sookman, Partner(McCarthy Tetrault)
- Stephen Stohn, President(Epitome)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
* Please note meeting changes.