Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Issue 1 - Minutes of Proceedings - January 30, 2014
OTTAWA, Thursday, January 30, 2014
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met this day, at 9 a.m. in room 160-S, Centre Block, the chair, the Honourable Noël A. Kinsella, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Campbell, Cordy, Downe, Doyle, Fraser, Furey, Jaffer, Johnson, Kinsella, Lang, LeBreton, P.C., Marshall, Seth, Smith (Saurel), Tkachuk, and White (16).
Other senators present: The Honourable Senators Munson and Poulin (2).
Also in attendance: Mr. Gary W. O'Brien, Clerk of the Senate, and other senior Senate officials.
CIBA/2014-01-30/036(P) — Adoption of Minutes of Proceedings
It was moved by the Honourable Senator Tkachuk that the Minutes of Proceedings of November 21, November 28, December 9 and December 12, 2013, public portions, be adopted, with amendment.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2014-01-30/037(P) — Appointment of the Advisory Working Group on Communications
It was agreed that the following senators be named members of the Advisory Working Group on Communications: The Honourable Senators Wells, Batters, Dawson, Eggleton, P.C., and Housakos.
CIBA/2014-01-30/038(P) — Re-Appointment of the Advisory Working Group on the Review of the Compensation Study for Senator's Staff
It was agreed that the Advisory Working Group on the Review of the Compensation Study for Senators' Staff and its former members be re-appointed: The Honourable Senators White (Chair), Verner, P.C., and Cordy.
CIBA/2014-01-30/039(P) — Audit of Financial Statements
The chair informed the committee that on January 28, 2014, the steering committee considered two (2) options regarding the carrying out of the audit of the Senate's financial statements. Option A involved initiating a competitive process for a three year period starting with the audit of the 2013-2014 financial statements, with an option to renew for an additional year, and Option B involved inviting the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) to conduct the annual external audit of the Senate's financial statements.
The chair indicated that after consideration, the steering committee was recommending that KPMG be extended as the Senate's external auditor for a period of one year, allowing the OAG to conclude their current audit, and that the issue be revisited at that time.
Senator Marshall indicated that she supported Option two (2), to have the OAG carry out the Senate's audit for 2013-2014 and all future financial audits.
After debate, it was agreed that KPMG be extended as the Senate's external auditor for a period of one year, allowing the OAG to conclude their current audit, and that the issue be revisited in one year.
CIBA/2014-01-30/040(P) — Role of the Whips and Proposal for Increase in Office Allowance
The Clerk of the Senate presented a briefing note regarding a proposal to increase the office allowances of the Government Whip and the Opposition Whip by $27,700 each. He indicated that this proposal followed a discussion by the steering committee regarding the role of the two (2) party Whips and their additional responsibilities.
Concerns were raised regarding the timing in discussing this matter and the Honourable Senator LeBreton, P.C., moved that this item be deferred to a future meeting.
After debate, the question being put on the motion, it was negatived on the following vote:
The Honourable Senators LeBreton, Marshall, Seth and Tkachuk. (4)
The Honourable Senators Campbell, Cordy, Downe, Doyle, Fraser, Furey, Jaffer, Johnson, Lang, Smith (Saurel) and White (11).
The Honourable Senator Kinsella. (1)
After discussion, it was agreed that the proposal to increase the office allowances of the Government Whip and the Opposition Whip by $27,700 each be adopted. It was also agreed that the required funding be provided by a permanent reduction of the global committee budget by $55,400. It was agreed that these measures be effective immediately.
CIBA/2014-01-30/041(P) — Status of Recommendations in the Twenty-Fifth Report of the Internal Economy Committee
The Director of Finance and Procurement, Mrs. Nicole Proulx, informed the committee that this item was in relation to the Twenty-Fifth Report of the Internal Economy Committee regarding the Senators' Travel Policy that was adopted on May 28, 2013 in the Senate.
In the 25th Report, twelve (12) recommendations were made. Some recommendations were implemented effective the date of the adoption of the 25th Report; some were implemented in July 2013, but four (4) recommendations had yet to be implemented.
After debate, it was agreed that the following outstanding recommendations in the Twenty-Fifth Report of the Internal Economy Committee be implemented as follows:
Recommendation 6 — Effective date of April 1st, 2014
That, with respect to reimbursement of per diems under the Living Allowances in the NCR budget when on travel status within the National Capital Region, eligible travellers be entitled to claim such per diems for days when the Senate sits, when attending Senate Committee meetings, or Senate and National Caucus meetings and up to twenty additional days when working on Senate-related business.
Recommendation 7 — Effective date of April 1st, 2014
That the 64-point travel system be amended to provide a maximum of 52 points for regular Senate business travel (between a senator's province/territory of appointment and the National Capital Region), Senate business travel within a senator's province/territory, and, up to a maximum of 4 points for travel to New York (for United Nations business only) and Washington, D.C.; and that a limit of 12 points be established for regional and national travel on Senate business.
Recommendation 9 — Effective date of September 30, 2014
That the Senate Administration be required to provide monthly reports on travel patterns to the steering committee.
Recommendation 10 — Effective date of March 1, 2014
That, for reporting and point calculation purposes, the categories of travel be amended as follows: ``Regular Senate Business Travel'' (travel between the senator's province/territory of appointment and the National Capital Region) and ``Other Senate Business Travel'' (all other categories of travel: provincial/territorial; regional; national and international).
CIBA/2014-01-30/042(P) — Parliamentary Precinct Security — Shuttle Bus Service
The clerk informed the committee that when Parliament resumed in January, the House of Commons implemented a policy with respect to the shuttle bus service on the Hill. As of January 27, 2014 everyone who takes the shuttle bus service must now show their identification cards and M.P.'s will be recognized by their pins or identification cards.
In order to adopt similar practices, the steering committee is recommending that the Senate follow the same arrangement. The clerk noted that this was in line with the Committee's wish to increase security on the Hill. It should also be noted that guests and witnesses will be able to board the shuttle buses when accompanied by a Senator or an employee with a valid Senate ID card.
After discussion, the recommendation was adopted.
At 10:12 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.
Gary W. O'Brien
Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Lucie Lavoie
Recording Secretary