Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Issue No. 4 - Minutes of Proceedings - June 9, 2016
OTTAWA, Thursday, June 9, 2016
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met this day at 9:02 a.m., in room 160- S, Centre Block, the chair, the Honourable Leo Housakos, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Batters, Campbell, Cordy, Downe, Housakos, Jaffer, Lang, Marshall, Munson, Plett, Smith, Tannas, Tkachuk and Wells (14).
Other senators present: The Honourable Senators Joyal, P.C., Lankin, P.C., McCoy, Mitchell and Seidman (5).
Also in attendance: Nicole Proulx, Chief Corporate Services Officer and Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration; Charles Robert, Clerk of the Senate and Chief Legislative Officer; Michel Patrice, Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel and Chief, Parliamentary Precinct Services; Nathalie Charpentier, Comptroller, Finance and Procurement; and other senior Senate officials.
Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.
CIBA/2016-06-09/123(P)|211| — Adoption of Minutes of Proceedings
The committee considered the minutes of proceedings of June 2, 2016.
It was moved by Senator Campbell that the minutes of proceedings of June 2, 2016, be adopted.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-09/124(P)|338| — Establishment of an Advisory Working Group on the Review of Policies and Rules
After debate, it was moved by Senator Housakos,
That the Advisory Working Group on the Review of Policies and Rules be established and that the following senators be named as members (7 senators): the Honourable Senators Plett, Ngo, Seidman, Neufeld, Jaffer and Massicotte; and that the remaining Independent member be confirmed after consultation.
That the mandate of the advisory working group be:
To support the Senate policy renewal project and provide recommendations to modernize policies applicable to senators' offices and the Senate Administration;
To do a comprehensive assessment of the Senate Administrative Rules; and
To report recommendations to CIBA in the fall of 2016.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-09/125(P)|295| — Fourth Report of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets
Senator Tannas, chair of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets, made a statement updating the committee on the financial picture with respect to funds available for committees. After debate, it was agreed this item be deferred.
CIBA/2016-06-09/126(P)|295| — Fifth Report of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets: Post Activity Expenditure Reports of Senate Committees (2014-2015)
It was agreed this item be deferred.
CIBA/2016-06-09/127(P)|295| — Subcommittee on Committee Budgets: Membership
Senator Tannas informed the committee of a vacancy in the membership of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets, resulting from changes in the membership of CIBA.
After debate, it was moved by Senator Cordy that Senator Campbell replace Senator Doyle as the third member of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-09/128(P)|314| — First Report of the Advisory Working Group on Canada 150
Senators Seidman and Joyal, P.C., presented the First Report of the Advisory Working Group on Canada 150 as follows:
Thursday, June 9, 2016
The Advisory Working Group on Canada 150 of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration has the honour to present its
On March 10, 2016, your advisory working group was given the following mandate:
That the Advisory Working Group on Canada 150 be established and that the following senators be named as members (4 senators): the Honourable Senators Seidman, McInnis, Dawson and Johnson.
That the mandate of the Advisory Working Group on Canada 150 be to review proposals for one or more legacy projects to mark Canada's 150th anniversary in 2017, and to make recommendations to the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration for consideration.
It became clear early on in the advisory working group's discussions that time constraints in the lead-up to Canada's 150th anniversary on July 1, 2017, would have an impact in terms of the scope of legacy projects that could be reasonably achieved within the limited timeframe available.
Your advisory working group held three meetings and considered two project proposals. Your advisory working group wishes to note the significant contributions of Senator Joyal, P.C. who, while not a member of the advisory working group, has become actively involved in its work.
During the course of the meetings, a consensus emerged amongst members that a legacy project should highlight the contributions of the Senate over the past 150 years, but especially since the centenary 50 years ago and going forward; and appeal to the Canadian population broadly beyond the "Ottawa bubble". This exercise of going back in time to understand the changes and impacts moving forward, will ensure the visibility of the Senate as a parliamentary chamber truly contemplating the future of the country on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation, and will constitute an enduring legacy in print and digital format.
Your advisory working group makes the following recommendations:
That a Senate Symposium be held in the Senate Chamber during the break week in May 2017, calling upon contributions from experts and historians, with a central theme as follows: Determining events since the Centenary of Canadian Confederation in 1967 that influenced Canada's evolution, and which outline the country's future orientation.
That sub-themes be explored as follows:
The re-emergence of Aboriginal Peoples, "Indians, the Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada", claims for their territories and ancestral rights, and the appropriation of their cultural identity.
Gender parity (women / men), in Parliament, on executive boards, in traditional occupations and in other areas of Canadian society.
The equality of Canada's two official languages (French / English), in Parliament, before the courts, in the public sector, in schools, in cultural life and internationally.
The protection of minorities and the recognition of their rights: whether they are religious, cultural, social, based on sexual orientation or living with a disability. The importance of their judicial protection and the role in the courts.
An evolving national unity forged through the country's sometimes tense relationship with Quebec and the West, as well as in response to regional expectations from other parts of the country. Canada has developed a particular dynamic to ensure ongoing dialogue between its various regions and a willingness to live together harmoniously and share common institutions.
Canada's emergence on the international scene, through its humanitarian lens, through its respect of human rights, within the Commonwealth, the Francophonie and through various specialized international tribunals. The country also initiated the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine. Several regional conflicts have emerged since the end of the Cold War.
Environmental preoccupations that must be dealt with by a country immensely rich in natural resources, as well as a very large Arctic border increasingly exposed to future development.
That the symposium take a long-term view of events influencing the evolution of Canadian society from 1967 to the present day, examining the main events that changed Canada and looking to the future to determine what impacts and influences each sub-theme will have on the next 50 years.
That the symposium be broadcast on CPAC, and that the work produced be considered the basis of a documentary film.
That the best suited experts and historians from Canadian universities, representing both official languages, participate in the symposium, and that the texts and contributions emanating from the seminars be published as a book in French and English, offering a common reflection of where Canada is 150 years later after confederation.
That the final chapter of the book look at each sub-theme in the specific context of the Senate and the work it has done in relation to them. In this way, the chapter will link Senate milestones that reinforce the Senate's modern role in Canada's parliamentary system and will provide a perspective on the future.
Your advisory working group is mindful that a legacy project, as defined above, requires both funding and significant lead-time and preparation in order to identify contributors and solicit the writing of materials in advance of the symposium. In order to proceed with this project, your advisory working group recommends approval in principle for a budget in the amount of approximately $150,000. A model budget is appended to this report, with certain costs yet to be confirmed, and includes funds for the symposium (travel, accommodations, per diems and hospitality for symposium participants); the production of a book in French and English; and funds for a book launch (travel, accommodations, per diems and hospitality for symposium participants).
Your advisory working group is mindful that a source of funds needs to be identified through the Main Estimates process for 2017-18. Your advisory working group is equally mindful that Canada 150 is a momentous celebration and opportunity to highlight the Senate as a parliamentary chamber truly contemplating the future of the country on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Seidman
Serge Joyal
HOSPITALITY Hospitality — Reception and Dinner 7,500 TRANSPORTATION Round Trip Airfare (8) and Taxis 30,350 ACCOMMODATIONS 2 nights 5,000 MEALS AND INCIDENTALS Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Incidentals 1,200 Sub-total $ 44,050 BOOK BOOK PRODUCTION Printing, Photos, Author, Translation, French / English Copy 65,000 HOSPITALITY Hospitality — reception and dinner 7,500 Transportation 30,350 ACCOMMODATIONS 1 night 2,500 MEALS AND INCIDENTALS Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Incidentals 600 Sub-total $ 105,950 Total of General Expenses $ 150,000
Senators Seidman and Joyal, P.C., provided details surrounding the proposed legacy project and responded to questions.
After debate, it was moved by Senator Cordy that the First Report of the Advisory Working Group on Canada 150, be adopted.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-09/129(P)|340| — Daily Rate for Hotel Accommodations
Nathalie Charpentier, comptroller, informed the committee that Finance has reviewed the daily rate for hotel accommodations in the National Capital Region (NCR), in light of a number of instances reported by senators whereby, despite diligent planning and numerous verifications, no rooms were available to senators within the daily rate of $200.
After discussion, it was moved by Senator Marshall:
That the daily hotel accommodation rate for the NCR be increased to $250, effective immediately (within the existing maximum yearly budget of $24,000 for Senators Living Expenses in the NCR); and that this rate be reviewed on an annual basis; and
That the new daily hotel accommodation rate also be applied to witness travel for those individuals invited to the NCR to appear before Senate Committees.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-09/130(P)|243| — Speaker's Office: Press Secretary
It was agreed this item be deferred.
CIBA/2016-06-09/131(P)|233| — Joint Interparliamentary Council (JIC): Request for Additional Office Space
It was agreed this item be deferred.
At 10:12 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.
Nicole Proulx
Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Jodi Turner
Recording Secretary