Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Issue No. 4 - Minutes of Proceedings - June 16, 2016
OTTAWA, Thursday, June 16, 2016
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met this day at 8:35 a.m., in room 160- S, Centre Block, the chair, the Honourable Leo Housakos, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Batters, Campbell, Cordy, Downe, Housakos, Jaffer, Lang, Manning, Marshall, Munson, Smith, Tannas, Tkachuk, Wallace and Wells (15).
Other senator present: The Honourable Senator McCoy (1).
Also in attendance: Nicole Proulx, Chief Corporate Services Officer and Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration; Charles Robert, Clerk of the Senate and Chief Legislative Officer; Michel Patrice, Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel and Chief, Parliamentary Precinct Services; and other senior Senate officials.
Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.
International and Interparliamentary Affairs:
Colette Labrecque-Riel, Acting Clerk Assistant and Director General;
Gérald Lafrenière, Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Exchanges and Protocol.
CIBA/2016-06-16/132(P)|211| — Adoption of Minutes of Proceedings
The committee considered the minutes of proceedings of June 9, 2016.
Senators Tkachuk and Lang each made a statement requesting that the specific recommendations made by CIBA members on June 9th with respect to additional sub-themes for the Senate Symposium proposed by the Advisory Working Group on Canada 150, be summarized in writing and submitted to the advisory working group as follows:
Confederation and the Senate's link to Canada's history (i.e. showcase the historic features of the Senate buildings, such as Sir John A. Macdonald's office, the first Cabinet room and East Block; and tell the story of how the Senate was a prime mover in creating the final deal in Confederation);
Ethnic communities;
Innovations in Industry / 50 Top Transformative Things (i.e. oil sands and Blackberry);
The North;
Innovation, research and how Canada is meeting environmental responsibilities with our natural resources;
History of women in the Senate; and
Interesting historical anecdotes involving senators (i.e. the story of Senator Nancy Ruth's grandfather who was the lawyer who took the Persons Case to the Privy Council in England and won, establishing the right of women to be appointed to the Senate; and Senator Gladstone who was appointed to the Senate in 1958, but as a Status Indian did not have the right to vote in Canada until 1960).
It was further requested that the Symposium and book be incorporated into a larger communications plan for the year of the 150th anniversary, being launched by the Communications Directorate in January 2017. Committee members emphasized the need for the Symposium to be presented through the lens of the Senate, highlighting the Senate's involvement, role and influence on the various sub-themes presented.
After debate, it was agreed that the AWG on Canada 150 be asked to provide a revised list of sub-themes to CIBA, demonstrating how the recommendations have been incorporated.
It was moved by Senator Jaffer that the minutes of proceedings of June 9, 2016, be adopted.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-16/133(P)|295| — Fourth Report of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets
Senator Tannas, chair of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets, presented the Fourth Report of the subcommittee as follows:
Thursday, June 16, 2016
The Subcommittee on Committee Budgets of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration has the honour to present its
Your subcommittee recommends the release of the following amounts for fiscal year 2016-17:
Agriculture and Forestry (Special study on international market access priorities for the Canadian agricultural and agri-food sector)
Activity 2: Beijing and Shanghai, China $ 260,000
Total $ 260,000
(includes funds for a fact-finding mission; includes funds for 10 senators to travel)
Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources (Special study on low carbon economy)
General Expenses
Activity 1: West (Vancouver, Kitimat, Prince George, Calgary and Estevan) $ 119,143 Activity 2: Southern Ontario (Sarnia and Hamilton) — Activity 3: Montreal — Total $ 119,143 (includes funds for fact finding missions, as well as approval for sole source for charter flights; includes funds for 9 senators to travel; decisions on General Expenses, Activity 2 and Activity 3 are deferred)
Fisheries and Oceans (Special study on Maritime Search and Rescue activities)
Activity 1: Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick $ 107,588 Activity 2: Newfoundland and Labrador — Total $ 107,588 (includes funds for public hearings and fact finding missions; includes funds for 12 senators to travel; decision on Activity 2 deferred)
National Security and Defence (Special study on the Defence Policy Review)
Activity 1: New York City $ 50,000 Total $ 50,000 (includes funds for a fact finding mission; includes funds for 9 senators to travel; the recommended allocation for staff is for one clerk and one analyst)
Respectfully submitted,
After debate, it was moved by Senator Tannas that the Fourth Report of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets, be adopted.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-16/134(P)|295| — Fifth Report of the Subcommittee on Committee Budgets: Post Activity Expenditure Reports of Senate Committees (2014-15)
It was agreed this item be deferred.
CIBA/2016-06-16/135(P)|353| — Report from the Banking Committee: Inclusion of Communications Officer in Travel
Senator Tkachuk, chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce tabled a report for information, with respect to communications materials produced, and benefits and media outreach achieved with the inclusion of a communications officer in their recent fact-finding trip to Vancouver and Calgary, May 8-10, 2016, and answered questions.
CIBA/2016-06-16/136(P)|233| — Joint Interparliamentary Council (JIC): Request for Additional Office Space
Colette Labrecque-Riel, Acting Clerk Assistant and Director General, International and Interparliamentary Affairs and Gérald Lafrenière, Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Exchanges and Protocol, International and Interparliamentary Affairs, provided information regarding a request for additional office space for the International Secretariat of ParlAmericas. Ms. Labrecque-Riel and Mr. Lafrenière responded to questions.
After debate, it was moved by the chair, Senator Housakos:
That the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration (CIBA) and the House of Commons Board of Internal Economy (BOIE) mandate the Facilities Management Group of the House of Commons to enter into negotiations with Public Services and Procurement Canada on behalf of the Parliament of Canada, to review the 2005 office space agreement with a view to providing additional office space (206 usable square metres) for the International Secretariat of ParlAmericas; and
That once more specific costing information is available, authorization be sought from CIBA and BOIE regarding a funding strategy.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
It was further agreed that financial information be requested from the International Secretariat of ParlAmericas regarding their sources of funding and Canada's overall contribution, and that a recommendation be sought from JIC regarding a way forward in terms of funding of additional costs for increased office space.
CIBA/2016-06-16/137(P)|243| — Speaker's Office: Press Secretary
The chair presented a proposal to address recommendations from the Blueprint Report related to a Press Secretary position in the Speaker's Office, and answered questions.
After debate, it was moved by the chair, Senator Housakos:
That the new reporting relationship of the Press Secretary to the Chief of Staff to the Speaker be effective July 1, 2016 to reflect accountability.
That, effective July 1, 2016, the required funds (prorated amount) be transferred from the Communications budget for 2016-17, to ensure that this pressure is internally funded in the current year. This represents an annual increase of $101,890 to the Speaker's budget.
That the reassessment of the overall funding requirements for the Speaker's Office budget for 2017-18 and future years be completed as part of the Mains process.
That the reinstatement of the full annual budget be approved for the Communications Directorate as of April 1, 2017, as part of the Mains process.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted. Senator Downe abstained.
Senator Jaffer raised the issue of media relations/communications support to CIBA. It was agreed this item be put on the agenda for an upcoming CIBA meeting.
CIBA/2016-06-16/138(P)|338| —Advisory Working Group on the Review of Policies and Rules
The chair informed the committee that he has received confirmation that the Independent member of the Advisory Working Group on the Review of Policies and Rules is Senator McCoy. The chair indicated that Senator Bellemare, as an ex officio of CIBA, has indicated an interest in participating in the work of the advisory working group. The chair reminded the committee that all senators are welcome to participate in the work of all subcommittees and advisory working groups. Debate ensued regarding the involvement of ex officios in meetings of CIBA and conventions with respect to not voting unless an ex officio member from the other party is also present. It was agreed that the chair communicate with the Speaker and Leadership to remind colleagues about conventions regarding ex officios.
CIBA/2016-06-16/139(P)|280| — Advisory Working Group on the Corporate Credit Card
It was moved by Senator Wells, chair of the Advisory Working Group on the Corporate Credit Card, that the reporting deadline for the advisory working group's examination of the terms of reference for the statement of work and recommendations with respect to the competitive process for procuring a new corporate credit card, be extended to the Fall, to allow more time for drafting and consideration.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
CIBA/2016-06-16/140(P)|313| — Subcommittee on the Long Term Vision and Plan (LTVP/GCC): Article in the Media
Senator Campbell informed the committee about an article that appeared in the National Post regarding the timeline for renovations to Parliament Hill. Senator Tannas, chair of the Subcommittee on the Long Term Vision and Plan (LTVP/GCC) provided factual information regarding the schedule for the renovations and answered questions. After debate, it was agreed that Jacqui Delaney meet with Senator Tannas and follow up with the National Post in order to highlight errors in the article and ensure facts are accurately reflected.
CIBA/2016-06-16/141(P)|207| — Diversity
Senator Jaffer requested an update regarding the status of the recommendations that were made by the Special Subcommittee on Diversity in May 2012. She noted the importance of the Friends of the Senate program and encouraged colleagues to consider engaging a young person in their office as part of that program. She also requested an update regarding the recommendation to establish an internship program in the Senate for young Aboriginal persons, and asked that information be provided to committee members regarding the cost and considerations for establishing such a program. After debate, it was agreed that Steering consider this issue and report back to CIBA with recommendations for a diversity program, taking into consideration the elements raised by Senator Jaffer and others.
At 9:49 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.
Nicole Proulx
Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Jodi Turner
Recording Secretary