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CIBA - Standing Committee

Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration


Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Minutes of Proceedings - November 1, 2018

OTTAWA, Thursday, November 1, 2018


The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met this day at 8:30 a.m., in room 160-S, Centre Block, the chair, the Honourable Sabi Marwah, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Batters, Carignan, P.C., Dawson, Forest, Marshall, Marwah, Mitchell, Moncion, Munson, Plett, Saint-Germain, Tannas, Tkachuk and Verner, P.C. (14).

Also in attendance: Pascale Legault, Chief Corporate Services Officer and Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration; Richard Denis, Interim Clerk of the Senate; senior Senate officials and other support staff.

Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.


The Senate of Canada:

The Honourable Senator Donald Neil Plett, Senator.

International and Interparliamentary Affairs:

Colette Labrecque-Riel, Clerk Assistant and Director General.

Pursuant to rule 12-7(1) of the Rules of the Senate, the committee continued its consideration of financial and administrative matters concerning the Senate's internal administration.

CIBA/2018-11-01/490(P)|211| — Adoption of Minutes of Proceedings

The committee considered the Minutes of Proceedings of Thursday, October 25, 2018, public portion.

The Honourable Senator Saint-Germain moved:

That the Minutes of Proceedings of Thursday, October 25, 2018, public portion, be adopted.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

CIBA/2018-11-01/491(P)|317| — Report from the Joint Interparliamentary Council: Parliamentary Associations' Activities and Expenditures from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018.

The Honourable Senator Plett made a statement and, together with Colette Labrecque-Riel, answered questions in relation to the activities and expenditures of parliamentary associations for the fiscal year 2017-18.

After debate, the Honourable Senator Marwah moved:

That the report from the Joint Interparliamentary Council: Parliamentary Associations' Activities and Expenditures for the fiscal year 2017-18 be tabled in the Senate.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

CIBA/2018-11-01/492(P)|390| — Subcommittee on Human Resources: Progress Update

The Honourable Senator Saint-Germain made a statement to provide an update on the work of the Subcommittee on Human Resources.

CIBA/2018-11-01/493(P)|240| — Security Issues

The Chair informed the committee that Jane MacLatchy, Chief Superintendent and Director of the Parliamentary Protective Service, will be appearing during the in camera portion of the meeting on November 22, 2018, to provide an update on security issues.

The Chair also informed the committee that the Speaker has agreed that Chief Superintendent MacLatchy appear on an annual basis before the committee and as important security matters arise.

CIBA/2018-11-01/494(P)|272| — Joint Interparliamentary Council (JIC) — Meeting of the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association

The Honourable Senator Batters inquired about the possibility of inviting Colette Labrecque-Riel to appear before the committee to provide an update on the meeting of the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association.

After debate, it was agreed that Colette Labrecque-Riel be invited to appear before the committee on November 22, 2018.

At 8:49 a.m., the committee proceeded in camera, pursuant to rule 12-16(1).

At 8:58 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Pascale Legault
Chief Corporate Services Officer and Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Gérald Lafrenière
Recording Secretary

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