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EUTH - Special Committee

Euthanasia and Assisted suicide (Special)


The Special Senate Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Of Life and Death - Final Report

June 1995


Appendix A

Witnesses at Public Hearings

All briefs received by the Committee have been deposited with the Library of Parliament. Comments about the report are welcome and may be sent by regular mail, by fax (613) 947-2104 or by E-Mail to

Witnesses<T>Issue no<T>Date

Action Life

Ottawa, Ontario<T>8<T>June 1, 1994

Carroll Rees, Executive Director

Jonathan Bloedow, Member and Researcher

AIDS Committee of Toronto

Toronto, Ontario<T>12<T>July 5, 1994

Allan Stewart, Board Member

Carole Yaworsky, Executive Director

Alberta Indian Health Care Commission

Edmonton, Alberta<T>30<T>December 13, 1994

Randy Bottle

Richard Saunders

Alberta Premier's Council on the Status of<R>Persons with Disabilities

Edmonton, Alberta<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Gary McPherson, Chairman

Alliance for Life

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Anna Desilets, Executive Director

Dr. Karel Gunning

Patricia Soenen

Alliance for Life (Ontario)

Guelph, Ontario<T>8<T>June 1, 1994

Jakki Jeffs, Executive Director

The Anglican Church of Ottawa

Ottawa, Ontario<T>28<T>December 7, 1994

Rev. J.A. Baycroft

Archdiocese of Vancouver

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Most Rev. Adam Exner, Archbishop of Vancouver

Peter Ryan

@AHEAD1BREAK = Association des hôpitaux du Québec

Montreal, Quebec<T>19<T>October 5, 1994

Dr. Paul Landry

Dr. Gilles Voyer

Me Pierre Bourbonnais

Association Québécoise de Soins Palliatifs

Montreal, Quebec<T>24<T>November 17, 1994

Dr. Maurice Falardeau

Robert Dagenais

BC Association of Social Workers

Victoria, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Anne DuMoulin, Co-Chair

Michael Boyle, Co-Chair

Stuart Alcock, Executive Director

BC Civil Liberties Association

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

John Westwood, Executive Director

Alister Browne, Board Member

BC Coalition of People With Disabilities

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Margo Massie, President

Mary Williams, External Vice President

Geoff McMurchy, Communications Officer

BC Coroner's Office

Burnaby, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Vince Cain, Chief Coroner

Dr. Sheila Carlisle, Forensic Pathologist

BC Hospice/Palliative Care Association

Cranbrook, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Shirley Coupal, President

Curtis Metzger, Vice President

Dr. David Kuhl, St. Paul's Hospital (Vancouver)

BC Persons with AIDS Society

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Arn Schilder, Chair

Pierre Beaulne, Advocacy and Communications Developer

David Boram

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

John Boram

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Canadian AIDS Society

Ottawa, Ontario<T>12<T>July 5, 1994

Russell Armstrong, National Programmes Director

Carole Neron

Steve Harris*

Terry Goodwin*

Canadian Association for Community Living

North York, Ontario<T>23<T>November 16, 1994

Paulette Bertiaume, President

Diane Richler

John Bartram

Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

Montreal, Quebec<T>2<T>April 20, 1994

Dr. Brian L. Mishara, President

Canadian Cancer Society

St. John's, Newfoundland<T>6<T>May 18, 1994

Dr. Margaret Scott<T>

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Ottawa, Ontario<T>22<T>October 26, 1994

Most Rev. Bertrand Blanchet, Archbishop of<R>Rimouski

Most Rev. Marcel Gervais, Archbishop of<R>Ottawa

Father Ron Mercier S.J., Regis College, Toronto

Canadian Hospital Association

Ottawa, Ontario<T>19<T>October 5, 1994

Carol Clemenhagen, President

Mary Anne Bourque

Canadian Medical Association

Ottawa, Ontario<T>25<T>November 23, 1994

Dr.Bruno L'Heureux, President

Dr. John Williams, Director, Department of Ethics

Dr. Douglas Sawyer, Chair, Committee on Ethics

Dr. Léo-Paul Landry, Secretary-General

Canadian Nurses Association

Ottawa, Ontario<T>19<T>October 5, 1994

Eleanor Ross, President

Nora Hammell, Nursing Policy Consultant

Canadian Palliative Care Association

Ottawa, Ontario<T>5<T>May 11, 1994

Dr. Paul Henteleff, President

Fay Struthers

Canadian Pharmaceutical Association

Ottawa, Ontario<T>23<T>November 16, 1994

Dr. Kevin Hall, President

Leroy Favang, Executive Director

Canadian Physicians for Life

Caledonia, Ontario<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Dr. Robert Pankratz, President

Dr. Williard Johnston, Secretary-Treasurer

Iain T. Benson, Legal Advisor

Dr. Jim Lane

The Canadian Unitarian Council

Surrey, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Brian J. Kiely, Chair, Death Decisions Committee

Alison Harvey, Member

Carrefour des Chrétiens du Québec pour la Santé

Montreal, Quebec<T>20<T>October 17, 1994

Dr. Robert Filiatrault, President

Jean François Malherbe, Chairman, <R>Bioethics Committee

Réjean Carrier

Quebec City, Quebec<T>3<T>April 27, 1994

Catholic Health Association of British Columbia

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Gerald J. Herkel, President

Susan House, Executive Director

Rev. John Horgan, Chairman, Ethics Committee

Catholic Health Association of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Dr. Helen Hays

Elly Englefield

Bridget Campion

Gerry Hiebert

Catholic Health Association of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Pat Murphy

Dr. Larry Reynolds

The Catholic Women's League of Canada

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Claire Heron, National President

Heather Kolla, Past President

Dolores Fehr, Member

Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Irene Goldstone, Director

Gerald Chipeur

Calgary, Alberta<T>27<T>November 30, 1994

Choice in Dying, Ottawa

Nepean, Ontario<T>8<T>June 1, 1994

Stanley Rosenbaum

Stella McMurran

Christian Brethren

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Don Logan

Norman Plater

Church of Sts. John and Paul

Fredericton, New Brunswick<T>24<T>November 17, 1994

Rev. Kenneth Weir

Clinical Research Institute of Montreal

Montreal, Quebec<T>22<T>October 26, 1994

Dr. David Roy, Director, Center for Bioethics

Clinical Research Institute of Montreal

Montreal, Quebec<T>22<T>October 26, 1994

Dr. Neil Macdonald, Director, Cancer Ethics<R>Programme

Dr. Howard Cohen

Ottawa, Ontario<T>26<T>November 24, 1994

@AHEAD1BREAK = College of Family Physicians

Mississauga, Ontario<T>23<T>November 16, 1994

Dr. Richard MacLachan, Chair of the<R>Ethics Committee

Dr. Paul Rainsberry, Director of Education

Dr. Reg L. Perkins, Executive Director

Dr. Eugene Bereza, Member of the Ethics Committee

Community Hospice Association of Ontario

Don Mills, Ontario<T>10<T>June 15, 1994

Heather M. Balfour, Executive Director

Mrs Duffy Davidson, Board Member

Compassionate Healthcare Network Association

Surrey, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Cheryl Eckstein, Founder and President

Dr. Michael Newton, Director

Dr. H. Robert C. Pankratz, Director

Conference of Mennonites in Canada

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Helmut Harder, General Secretary

Doug Pritchard, Staff for Peace Justice and<R>Social Concerns

Roma Quapp, Staff for the Resource Commission

Dr. Howard Zacharias, Regional Consultant in<R>Geriatric Medicare

Tym Elias, Executive Secretary

Christopher Considine

Victoria, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Janine Corbeil

Montreal, Quebec<T>32<T>January 13, 1995

Council of Canadians with Disabilities

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Jim Derksen, Council Member

Paula Keirstead, Member of the Human<R>Rights Committee

Allan Simpson, Past Chairman

Council on Aging

Ottawa, Ontario<T>32<T>January 13, 1995

Miriam Chapman, Chair

Dr. Campbell Lamont, Member

Charles Scott

Julianne Cressman

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Department of Health

Ottawa, Ontario<T>29<T>December 12, 1994

The Honourable Diane Marleau, P.C., Minister

André Juneau, Assistant Deputy Minister

Susan Lawson, Policy Analyst

Judy Ferguson, Director General

Department of Justice

Ottawa, Ontario<T>31<T>December 14, 1994

The Honourable Allan Rock, P.C., Minister

Dr. R.W. Dunn

White Rock, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Dying with Dignity

Toronto, Ontario<T>7<T>May 25, 1994

Marilynne Seguin, Executive Director

Martin Campbell, Barrister

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada

Markham, Ontario<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Bruce Clemenger, Director of Public Affairs

Janet Buckingham, Chair of Social Action Committee

Stanley Grenz

Dr. Edwin Hui

Walter Lawrence

Fédération québécoise des Centres<R>d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée

Montreal, Quebec<T>32<T>January 13, 1995

Claude Vézina

Monique Coupal

Focus on the Family

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Dr. Margaret Cottle

Julie Foley

Ottawa, Ontario<T>4<T>May 4, 1994

Goodbye: A Right to Die Society

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Charles Clapham, Director

Darline Miller, Director

Dr. James Gordon

Montreal, Quebec<T>27<T>November 30, 1994

James Green

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

George Griffith

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Health Law Institute

Halifax, Nova Scotia<T>20<T>October 17, 1994

Dr. Robert Elgie, Director

Henderson General Hospital

Hamilton, Ontario<T>4<T>May 4, 1994

Dr. Elizabeth Latimer, Director of Palliative Care

Hospice of All Saints

Ottawa, Ontario<T>12<T>July 05, 1994

Barbara O'Connor, Executive Director

Dr. Emily Geer, Medical Consultant

Susan House

New Westminster, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Humanist Association of Ottawa

Ottawa, Ontario<T>8<T>June 01, 1994

Trevor Banks, Member of Executive Committee

@AHEAD1BREAK = Izaak Walton Killam Hospital

Halifax, Nova Scotia<T>20<T>October 17, 1994

Dr. Nuala Kenny, Head, Department of Paediatrics

Andrew Johnson

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Brian Kershaw*

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Hilda Krieg

Surrey, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Lubavitch Organization for Jewish Development

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Yoseph Thompson

Paul Mackenzie

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Maison Marc-Simon

Quebec, Quebec<T>32<T>January 13, 1995

Dr. Michel Morissette

Sister Agathe Côté

Maison Michel Sarrazin

Sillery, Quebec<T>13<T>July 6, 1994

Louis Dionne, Director General

Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Donald A. Bailey, President

Tara Mullen, Program Co-ordinator

Neil Searles

Manitoba Cancer Treatment and Research<R>Foundation

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Dr. Harvey M. Chochinov, Head,<R>Clinical Services and Academic Affairs

Manitoba Hospice Foundation

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Dr. Peter Kirk, Vice President

Dr. Linda Kristjanson

Dr. Deborah Dudgeon

Fred Nelson

Manitoba Physicians for Life

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Dr. Paul V. Adams

Dr. Nicole Caron-Boulet

Dr. Harold Boey

Janet McCaffrey

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

McGill University Centre for Medicine,<R>Ethics and Law

Montreal, Quebec<T>1<T>March 15, 1994

Edward Keyserlingk,<R>Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine

@AHEAD1BREAK = McGill University Centre for Medicine,<R>Ethics and Law

Montreal, Quebec<T>6<T>May 18, 1994

Margaret Somerville, Director

Linda Meyer

Maple Ridge, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Louise Normandin Miller

Victoria, British Columbia<T>5<T>May 11, 1994

Cecilia Moore

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Anne Mullens

Victoria, British Columbia<T>30<T>December 13, 1994

National Coalition of Concerned Mothers

Burlington, Ontario<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Lorna Dueck

Jean Echlin

Joanne Neubauer

Victoria, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

New Brunswick Extra Mural Hospital Association

Fredericton, New Brunswick<T>20<T>October 17, 1994

Dr. Gordon Fergusson

Niagara Community Impact Group

Niagara, Ontario<T>31<T>December 14, 1994

Jake Janzen

Janice Buhr

Dr. Robert Buhr

Nova Scotia Palliative Care Association

Sydney, Nova Scotia<T>23<T>November 16, 1994

Dr. Ina Cummings, Director

Judith Fuller

Sheila Noyes

Thunder Bay, Ontario<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Nurses for Life

Ottawa, Ontario<T>8<T>June 1, 1994

Mary-Lynn McPherson

Diane Petrucka

Maureen Farnand

Russel Ogden

New Westminster, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Rev. John Oldham

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Ontario Medical Association

Toronto, Ontario<T>20<T>October 17, 1994

Dr. Michael Wyman, President

Dr. Ted Boadway, Director of Health Policy

Ontario Office of the Chief Coroner

Toronto, Ontario<T>20<T>October 17, 1994

Dr. James Young, Chief Coroner

Dr. James Cairns, Deputy Chief Coroner

Ontario Office of the Crown Attorney

Timmins, Ontario<T>29<T>December 12, 1994

David Thomas

Ontario Palliative Care Association

Owen Sound, Ontario<T>4<T>May 04, 1994

Dr. James McGregor, Member of the Board

Shari Douglas, President

Rev. Bernard Osborg

Bridgetown, Nova Scotia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Ottawa and District Physicians Who Respect Life

Ottawa, Ontario<T>7<T>May 25, 1994

Dr. André Lafrance

People in Equal Participation Inc.

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Theresa Ducharme, Chair

Sylvia Daniels

Mark Pickup

Beaumont, Alberta<T>27<T>November 30, 1994

Pro-Life Society of British Columbia

Kelowna, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Ted Gerk, President

Betty Green, Director

R.E.A.L. Women of British Columbia

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Cecilia von Dehn

Responsable jusqu'à la fin

Quebec, Quebec<T>4<T>May 04, 1994

Yvon Bureau, President

The Right to Die Society of Canada

Victoria, British Columbia<T>25<T>November 23, 1994

John Hofsess, Executive Director

Gabrielle Gaspar, Member

Dr. Markus Luckwaldt

Right to Life Association of Toronto

Toronto, Ontario<T>8<T>June 1, 1994

June Scandiffo, President

Dr. Michael Berry

Patricia Rodney

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

R. Scott Rowand

Toronto, Ontario<T>9<T>June 8, 1994

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario<T>20<T>October 17, 1994

Dr. Gordon Crelinsten, Council Member

Dr. Henry Dinsdale, President

Dr. Pierre Paul Demers, Director

Royal Victoria Hospital

Montreal, Quebec<T>5<T>May 11, 1994

Dr. Balfour Mount, Director of Palliative Care

Royal Victoria Hospital

Montreal, Quebec<T>6<T>May 18, 1994

Dr. Marcel Boisvert

Elizabeth Semkiw

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Thomas Sigurdson

Surrey, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

Marcie Smordin

Vancouver, British Columbia<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Stratford, Ontario<T>8<T>June 1, 1994

Rev. James Dickey

Angèle St. Germain

Verdun, Quebec<T>9<T>June 8, 1994

Sunnybrook Health Science Centre

Toronto, Ontario<T>9<T>June 8, 1994

Dr. John Senn, Director of the Clinical Ethics Centre

Thomas More Lawyers' Guild of Toronto

Toronto, Ontario<T>12<T>July 5, 1994

Philip H. Horgan, President

David Brown

Angela Costigan

Tim Egan

Toronto Bayview Regional Cancer Centre

Toronto, Ontario<T>26<T>November 24, 1994

Dr. Robert Buckman

Toronto Hospital for Sick Children

Toronto, Ontario<T>11<T>June 22, 1994

Dr. Abbyann Day Lynch, Director<R>Bioethics Department

United Church of Canada

Toronto, Ontario<T>27<T>November 30, 1994

Ruth Evans, Director

Rev. Ann L. Simmonds

Université Laval<R>Département des sciences infirmières

Ste. Foy, Quebec<T>12<T>July 5, 1994

Danielle Blondeau

University of Alberta<R>Developmental Disabilities Centre

Edmonton, Alberta<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Richard Sobsey

University of Calgary<R>Department of Community Health Sciences

Calgary, Alberta<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Marja Verhoef

University of Calgary<R>Faculty of Medicine

Calgary, Alberta<T>16<T>September 28, 1994

Dr. Douglas Kinsella

University of Manitoba<R>Centre for Applied Ethics

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>18<T>September 30, 1994

Arthur Schafer

University of Manitoba<R>Faculty of Law

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>6<T>May 18, 1994

Barney Sneiderman

University of Sherbrooke<R>Ethics Committee

Sherbrooke, Quebec<T>29<T>December 12, 1994

Dr. Pauline Lesage-Jarjoura

Dr. Suzanne Philips-Nootens

Jean Desclos

University of Toronto<R>Faculty of Law

Toronto, Ontario<T>10<T>June 15, 1994

Bernard Dickens

University of Victoria<R>Department of Philosophy

Victoria, British Columbia<T>2<T>April 20, 1994

Dr. Eike-Henner W. Kluge

Volunteer Home Support Group

Winnipeg, Manitoba<T>17<T>September 29, 1994

Dennis Norbury, President

Dr. Sandra Kirby, Vice President

Dr. Harry van Bommel

Scarborough, Ontario<T>28<T>December 7, 1994

Humphrey Waldock

West Vancouver, British Columbia<T>14<T>September 26, 1994

Dr. Ken F. Walker (Dr. W.Gifford-Jones)

Toronto, Ontario<T>11<T>June 22, 1994

Dr. Scott Wallace

Victoria, British Columbia<T>15<T>September 27, 1994

*Indicates that witness appeared in camera

The following witnesses appeared via videoconference from Holland on October 25, 1994. A transcript of the meeting is contained in Issue No. 21 of the Proceedings of the Committee.

Dr. Dirkyan Bakker

Surgeon, Member of Medical Ethical Committee for Patient Care, University Hospital

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr. Elly De Heer

General Practitioner, Professor at Erasmus University

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Dr. Robert J.M. Dillman

Secretary of Medical Affairs, Royal Dutch Medical Association

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dr. A.P.M. Heintz

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Mrs. Johanna Kits Nieuwenkamp

Ministry of Health, Chair of the Committee on Bioethics of the Council of Europe

Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Dr. H.J.J. Leenen

Professor of Social Medicine and Health Law, University of Amsterdam

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Professor Johan Legemaate

Counsellor, Royal Dutch Medical Association

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Professor Leo C.M. Meijers

Attorney-General, Supreme Court of the Netherlands

The Hague, The Netherlands

Mr. Eugene Sutorius

Attorney and Deputy Justice, Court of Appeal, Member of the Dutch Health Council

Arnheim, The Netherlands

Dr. J.J.M. Van Delden

Sociologist and Medical Practitioner, Principal investigator for the Remmelink Committee

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dr. Gerrit van der Wal

Inspector of Health in North-Holland

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mrs. Mary G. Vlaming

Registered Nurse (retired)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Appendix B

Written Submissions Received

The Committee received several thousand submissions from individuals and organizations. Some of these were short form letters or individual letters simply expressing an opinion for or against euthanasia and assisted suicide. Others were requests to appear, often accompanied by well-developed briefs, from organizations or private individuals. For reasons of time it was not possible to hear every group or individual who wrote to the Committee. The following is a list of the briefs received from organizations that did not appear as well as some of the more lengthy studies submitted by individuals. The Committee is grateful to all who took the time to express their views.

Abbotsford Right-to-Life Society
Abbotsford, British Columbia

Alliance Action Inc.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Marie Achille

Burnaby, British Columbia

Zoe Bernatksy

Willingdon, Alberta

Lucille Birkett

Edmonton, Alberta

R.E. Bowley

Peterborough, Ontario

Calabogie, Renfrew Pro-Life Association

Calabogie, Ontario

Canadian Association of Social Workers

Ottawa, Ontario

Canadian Bar Association

Ottawa, Ontario

Catholic Physicians Guild of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Catholic Women's League of Canada

Various branches

Centre for Renewal in Public Policy

Gloucester, Ontario

Chevaliers de Colomb, Conseil provincial du Nouveau-Brunswick

Kedgwick, New Brunswick

Chilliwack Pro Life Society

Chilliwack, British Columbia

Christian Medical and Dental Society

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Christian Social Morals Action Committee

Frankford, Ontario

Susan Conrad

Toronto, Ontario

Corporation professionnelle des travailleurs sociaux du Québec

Montreal, Quebec

Council of Christian Reformed Churches in Canada

Burlington, Ontario

Pierre Coutlée

Lasalle, Quebec

Phyllis Creighton

Toronto, Canada

Ann Davis

Nepean, Ontario

Luc Déry

Montreal, Quebec

Janice Dillon

Vancouver, British Columbia

John Doyle

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Dunnville and Area Right to Life

Dunnville, Ontario

Betty Eckgren

Victoria, British Columbia

Dr. H.E. Emson

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Elly Englefield

Sherwood Park, Alberta

Audrey Floyd

Surrey, British Columbia

Rosalie Floyd

Penticton, British Columbia

La Fondation Lise T.

Anjou, Quebec

Brian Gifford

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Claude Girard

Montreal, Quebec

Christine Glazer

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

David Golden

Toronto, Ontario

Antonio R. Gualtieri

Ottawa, Ontario

Dr. Sydney G. Grant

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Dr. Tadeusz Grygier

Aylmer, Quebec

Halton Pro-Life

Burlington, Ontario

Tom Harpur

Richmond Hill, Ontario

Helen Hays

Edmonton, Alberta

Human Life Research Institute

Toronto, Ontario

Island Hospice Association

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Kanata Pentecostal Church

Kanata, Ontario

Dr. F.B. Kelly

Moncton, New Brunswick

Knights of Columbus

Belleville, Ontario

Knights of Columbus

Toronto, Ontario

Knights of Columbus

Alberta- Northwest Territories

Tom Koch

Toronto, Ontario

François Lareau

Ottawa, Ontario

Last Wish Foundation

Don Mills, Ontario

League for Life in Manitoba Inc.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Dr. Arthur Paterson Lee

Scarborough, Ontario

Lutheran Church of Canada

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Dr. Hubert Marcoux

Laval, Quebec

Carmen McCauley

Chatham, Ontario

Denham Meek

Victoria, British Columbia

John Lawrence-Moore

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Bruno Morawetz

Peterborough, Ontario

Cathleen Morrison

St. George, Ontario

New Brunswick Association For Community Living

Fredericton, New Brunswick

George & Nettie Neudorf

Sardis, British Columbia

Vito Norejko

London, Ontario

Norwich United Church

Norwich, Ontario

J.V. O'Brien

Baddeck, Nova Scotia

Ottawa-Carleton Regional Palliative Care Association

Ottawa, Ontario

Physicians and Scientists for a Healthy World

Nepean, Ontario

Presbyterian Church of Canada

Don Mills, Ontario

The Providence Hospital

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Pro-Vie Clare

Church Point, Nova Scotia

Thaddeus W. Pruss

Surrey, British Columbia

The Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia

Vancouver, British Columbia

Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph

Kingston, Ontario

Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph

Windsor, Ontario

Thaddée Renault

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Joan Renold

White Rock, British Columbia

Marc Richard

St. John, New Brunswick

Teresa Rojas

Victoria, British Columbia

Alex K.H. Rose

Lacombe, Alberta

Teresa Sasseville

Ottawa, Ontario

Izabela Schultz

Vancouver, British Columbia

Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception

Renforth, New Brunswick

Sisters of Providence Continuing Care Centre

Kingston, Ontario

Sisters of St. Martha

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Sisters of St. Martha

Scarborough, Ontario

Julianna Smith

Mississauga, Ontario

Les Soeurs de la Charité de Montréal

Montreal, Quebec

Dr. Jocelyne St-Arnaud

Montreal, Quebec

St. Joseph's College Catholic Bioethics Centre

Edmonton, Alberta

Strathaven Baptist Church

Chatsworth, Ontario

Rev. Dr. George Theckedath

Ottawa, Ontario

Toronto Catholic Doctors Guild

Scarborough, Ontario

Dr. Arnold Voth

Edmonton, Alberta

Attaleen Werner

Willowdale, Ontario

Gregor Wolbring

Calgary, Alberta

Women Alive

Barrie, Ontario

Women For Life, Faith and Family

Abbotsford, British Columbia

Appendix C

Material Received by the Committee

In addition to the many briefs and letters, a number of books, articles, government publications, court decisions and unpublished documents were brought to the attention of the Special Committee.


Baudouin, Jean-Louis and Danielle Blondeau. Ethique de mort et droit à la mort, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1993.

Bureau, Yvon. Ma mort. Ma dignité. Mes volontés. Le testament biologique. Québec: Éditions du Papillon, 1991.

Crichton, Anne and David Hsu. Canada's Health Care System: Its Funding and Organization, Canadian Hospital Association Press, Ottawa, 1990.

Doyle, Derek, Geoffrey Hanks, and Neil Macdonald, editors. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine Oxford University Press, 1993

Fries, J. F. "Reduction of National Morbidity", in Lewis, Steven J. editor, Aging and Health: Linking Research and Public Policy Michigan: Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, 1989.

Gairdner, William. The War Against the Family: A Parent Speaks Out on the Political, Economic and Social Policies That Threaten Us All. Toronto: Stoddart, 1992.

Humphrey, Derek. Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, Oregon: Hemlock Society, 1991.

Jones, Julian. My Dear Son. Florida: Chapman Publishing, 1993.

Kay, Dennis. Laugh, I Thought I'd Die: My Life With ALS Toronto: Viking, 1994.

Les Actes du Premier colloque québécois sur les volontés de fin de vie. Montreal: Centre hospitalier Louis-H. Lafontaine. March 1993.

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