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SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — 4-H Canada Citizenship Congress

May 21, 2024

Honourable senators, it’s my pleasure to rise today to share with you that this week 4-H Canada is hosting its fifty-first annual Citizenship Congress.

There’s no debating that the Citizenship Congress connects 4‑H members. For over five decades, countless youth 4-H members from across Canada have come together in Ottawa to learn more about citizenship and our government.

This week, 4-H Canada youth delegates from across the nation have gathered in Ottawa to further enhance their skills in teamwork, communication, leadership, collaboration and problem-solving. Through diverse programs, 4-H Canada continually refines these vital life skills in each of its members.

Established in 1972 with the aim of uniting 4-H members, the Citizenship Congress welcomes 55 youth delegates to Ottawa this week. I extend my very best wishes to them as they embark on several significant events in the days ahead. Their dedication and perseverance serve as an inspiration to many, including myself.

The highlight will be on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. when they will engage in this very chamber on the topic:

Be it resolved that the Government of Canada should prioritize access to clean water for personal and domestic use over access for private and/or commercial use.

I eagerly anticipate their insightful debate here in the chamber. These members, along with their counterparts nationwide, symbolize our nation’s future, encompassing Canadian agriculture and the vibrancy of our urban and rural communities. Colleagues, rest assured, the future appears promising.

I am especially thrilled to welcome the two representatives from Ontario, Leah Emiry and Rebecca Sommerville, and their chaperone, Darrell Bergsma. I look forward to meeting all 4-H members in Ottawa during the informal parliamentary breakfast reception I am hosting on Thursday, May 23.

Again, I extend an invitation to all of you, my senate colleagues, to join me at this event on Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. in room 310 of the Wellington Building.

Come out and meet the youth delegates from across Canada. I know how much they look forward to interacting with as many of my Senate colleagues as possible.

Thank you. Meegwetch.

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