QUESTION PERIOD — Agriculture and Agri-Food
AgriCompetitiveness Program
May 21, 2024
Senator Gold, with the announcement of the 2024 federal budget, 4-H Canada — it’s a 4-H day — received the devastating news that Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, or AAFC, is slashing its funding under the federal AgriCompetitiveness Program. AAFC cites changes to government priorities as the reason for this decision. Consequently, important program initiatives such as Citizenship Congress, which is taking place here in Ottawa this week, are no longer being considered a priority. The real losers are youth across this country. Despite being encouraged to apply for alternative grants through other departments — for example, Canadian Heritage — 4-H Canada has now faced outright refusal. The funds that would have supported participant travel to the Citizenship Congress must now be sourced elsewhere.
Senator Gold, there is a serious concern about the funding decisions that have been chipping away at 4-H over the years. My question is this: How does the government justify these cuts? What steps are being taken to ensure programs vital to our youth through organizations like 4-H Canada receive the necessary funding they need to continue?
Thank you for your question and for your ongoing advocacy not only on behalf of 4-H but, more generally, on behalf of the sector in which it plays such an important role.
The Government of Canada will continue to support our youth in a variety of ways through youth employment, mental health supports, leadership programs and entrepreneurial supports. I understand that your questions and concerns about funding are important ones. I will certainly bring them to the minister’s attention.
Senator Gold, can you clarify what changes in government priorities have led to the decision to cut funding for 4-H Canada under the AgriCompetitiveness Program? What kind of government does not prioritize its youth? How are they supposed to survive these cuts, which continue to snowball each and every year?
As I said, senator, the government continues to support youth. With regard to your question of priorities, the government has several priorities that it is engaged in pursuing, all within a prudent, responsible fiscal framework. They include transformative investments in clean energy, creating lifelong careers, improving housing affordability and so on. This is the challenge of governing, and this government is doing what it can to meet those important priorities.