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SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — Canadian Food Innovation Network

May 22, 2024

Honourable senators, I rise today to highlight the Canadian Food Innovation Network, or CFIN, and celebrate its contributions to the food and beverage industry in Canada.

CFIN is a beacon of innovation, collaboration and progress, connecting our nation’s food ecosystems with new ideas, opportunities and technologies. Since 2021, CFIN has stood as a catalyst for change, funding transformative food tech projects that revolutionize how we manufacture, transport and consume food.

Through its initiatives, CFIN stimulates collaboration among industry players and fosters a community of over 5,000 members from across the food value chain, including multinationals, tech and ingredient companies, manufacturers and food service providers. This diverse membership base makes CFIN the most robust, active and collaborative food business community in Canada.

One of CFIN’s groundbreaking initiatives is the Youth Online Discovery Lab, or YODL. It is a first-of-its-kind online innovation playground. YODL empowers its members to find partners, source equipment, attract customers and access funding — facilitating the seamless integration of new ideas and technologies into the food sector.

The Canadian Food Innovation Network’s commitment to funding innovation is evident in their impressive track record. To date, CFIN has awarded nearly $17 million to more than 50 Canadian food tech projects and companies. These projects leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotics, the internet of things and machine learning to digitize supply chains, enhance food safety and reduce carbon emissions.

By investing in innovation, CFIN is not only driving industry progress but also laying the foundation for future sustainability and competitiveness.

The impact of CFIN’s initiatives extends beyond its funding, though. Since 2021, CFIN-funded food tech projects have filed for 31 patents, created over 95 jobs and raised over $1 million in additional funding. These achievements underscore the tangible outcomes of CFIN’s support — from fostering technological breakthroughs to generating economic opportunities and job growth within the food and beverage sector.

In addition, investing in innovation has the potential to mitigate future food inflation by integrating new processes, ideas and technologies at the manufacturing level.

CFIN’s forward-thinking approach not only addresses current industry challenges but also positions this country as a global leader in food innovation. The CFIN’s impact on the Canadian food and beverage industry is profound and far-reaching. It serves as a catalyst for collaboration, a champion of innovation and a driver of economic growth.

As we look to the future, let us continue to support and celebrate the invaluable work of CFIN in shaping a more sustainable, resilient and innovative food ecosystem for generations to come.

Thank you. Meegwetch.

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