QUESTION PERIOD — Ministry of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Treaty Negotiations
November 26, 2024
Thank you, minister, for appearing here today.
Métis governments like the Métis Nation — Saskatchewan and the Manitoba Métis Federation have been actively engaged in treaty negotiations with the federal government. Could you provide an update on when the federal government intends to fulfill its promises to these Métis governments and finalize these treaties?
With respect to the recognition of Métis rights within the framework of recognition of their governments, there has been a separate path taken by Métis Nations of Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. As is, we are in active negotiations with both Manitoba and Saskatchewan. They are on a different track; they are not at the same table. We are hoping to conclude one of them within days, the other one within weeks.
Thank you. What have the main challenges been when reaching an agreement? I’m glad to hear that the treaties will be finalized very soon, but what main challenges have there been?
I think the Bill C-53 process was one of the difficulties we had where that was a path that Métis Nations chose. I think that was one of the issues that may have delayed the work.
Treaty making is not that easy. It is a lot of work. It is a lot of consultation and a lot of engagement. Ultimately, we need to do it right, and it is not just about a tick mark. It is about ensuring that we do it right.