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QUESTION PERIOD — Crown-Indigenous Relations

Treaty Negotiations

December 17, 2024

Senator Gold, on November 26 during Question Period, I asked the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada when he expected to conclude treaty negotiations with the Manitoba Métis Federation, or MMF, and the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan, or MN-S. He replied that he was planning to conclude one of them within days and the other within weeks. While I congratulate the MMF on concluding their treaty negotiations, it doesn’t appear that the MN-S treaty will be finalized within weeks. Métis citizens across the homeland were encouraged to hear the minister’s commitment to finalizing these important treaties promptly. Can you please inform us when MN-S can expect to conclude their treaty negotiations and how the minister plans to accomplish this within his self-imposed timeline?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for reminding us of the progress — though not completed — that has been made with regard to the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan relationship with Canada and the updated Métis Nation-Saskatchewan Self-Government Recognition and Implementation Agreement. It is an important milestone, but we’re not there yet.

The government is, indeed, working assiduously toward a self-government treaty with Métis Nation-Saskatchewan. The government looks forward to continuing this important and ongoing work around the negotiating table. It will continue to work with all Métis partners to promote reconciliation, renew relationships, advance their vision of self-determination and build a better future for their citizens and future generations. I don’t know the timetable or the exact status of this, but I have been assured that the work is continuing responsibly and in good faith.

Last month the minister appeared confident that he would be able to conclude the treaty negotiations, but it sounds like Canada is making last-minute changes that are delaying its progress. After making a public commitment to finish this treaty within weeks, what factors do you think have changed so drastically as to slow the progress on the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan treaty such that the minister can no longer meet his commitment?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you. I have not followed the negotiations at all, so I cannot answer your specific question. However, I am in touch regularly with the minister, and I will certainly raise it with him.

Thank you.

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