QUESTION PERIOD — Infrastructure and Communities
Housing and Infrastructure
October 29, 2024
Senator Gold, in the nine years since 2015, when 194,000 new homes were built under the then-housing minister Pierre Poilievre, the only thing that has gone up under your government is the cost of housing. Average monthly mortgage payments after nine years of Justin Trudeau are double; average rent for one-bedroom apartment, double; average down payment for a new home after nine years of Justin Trudeau, double. Double, double, double.
The good news is Pierre Poilievre has a new plan that will see more sorely needed houses that will be built. As prime minister, he will axe the tax on the new home builds, cut the GST for the sale of homes under $1 million. Those are pretty good ideas, ideas that your government can’t manufacture because you don’t have the wherewithal or the desire to accept that you have failed.
The only question that remains is this: When will your government call an election, get out of the way and allow Pierre Poilievre and his government to get to work for Canadians?
Senator Housakos, thank you for giving me the opportunity to correct the record. In that regard, I congratulate you and your party on being very good at politics. Unfortunately, you are getting a failing grade in policy. Here is the record: When Pierre Poilievre was housing minister, he lost 800,000 affordable apartments and he got a total of 6 built. To boot, 50,000 fewer homes were being built in this country per year during that period.
In just the past year, this government eliminated the GST on apartment construction to bring down the cost of rent. What did the leader of your party propose to do? He introduced a bill to put the tax back on middle-class apartments.
You have announced a plan to completely cut the federal programs to get more homes built and solve the housing crisis for the middle class and the most vulnerable. The plan will crater home building across the country, driving housing costs up well beyond the savings that he promised.
Senator Gold, next you’re going to tell us that Pierre Poilievre during the Harper government had running debts and deficits, and thank God to you guys you balanced the budget and the debt.
Stop living in a mythological world.
Senator Gold, Pierre Poilievre’s plan to axe the tax on new homes will result in an additional 30,000 homes being built compared to your government. Housing expert Mike Moffatt not only confirms that number but calls this a plan “. . . far more bold than anything we’ve seen from the government.” You like experts. Here is an expert telling you this is a good plan. Embrace it or call an election once and for all.
Sir, you are wonderfully good at omitting certain facts. How does Pierre Poilievre plan to pay for this attractive political bobble he is dangling? By eliminating the government programs that have been put in place to help municipalities build more houses, to increase the housing — excuse me. There is politics, bravo, and there is policy. And this government is focusing on policy to help Canadians.