Firearms Buyback Program
December 2, 2020
My question is for the government leader in the Senate. Leader, the National Police Federation recently released a call to action related to gun violence and public safety in Canada. Among other things, the report concluded that the recent order-in-council prohibiting firearms, and the proposed buyback program by the federal government targeted at legal firearms owners, do not address the urgent threats to public safety. In fact, the call to action states:
. . . it diverts extremely important personnel, resources, and funding away from addressing the more immediate and growing threat of criminal use of illegal firearms.
Leader, what is your government’s response to this report from the National Police Federation? And can you tell us: What is the current estimated cost of your government’s planned buyback program related to its ban on certain formerly legal firearms?
Senator Gold, before asking you to respond, I’ve just been informed that there is a lot of static on the Zoom calls and people are having trouble hearing. I will ask that we suspend for two minutes while they reboot the system. Is anyone opposed to that, honourable senators?
Thank you for your question. The government works closely with the police chiefs and departments across the country to ensure that Canadians are kept safe by their good, hard and dedicated work, and takes seriously their comments, input, and indeed criticisms.
But the Government of Canada takes the position that it remains committed and proud of the legislation it has introduced to help Canadians keep safe.
With regard to military-style assault weapons, these are designed to kill as many people as possible. The government has committed to its buy-back program, and I’m advised that the government intends to implement that buy-back program as soon as possible. It’s currently considering a range of options and is working with the provinces and the territories and, indeed, looks forward to working with parliamentarians to make sure we get this right for law-abiding gun owners.
I imagine the short suspension must have fogged your memory about my question. I think I asked you what the current government’s planned buy-back program would cost. Let me ask that and a supplementary.
Leader, can your government assure firearm owners that they will receive fair market value for their firearms given your government’s ban?
Honourable senators, the government that I represent introduced a suite of measures to keep Canadians safe. We in the Senate passed such legislation. Thank you for reminding me of the other part of your question. I regret that I don’t have that figure to provide. At such time as it is available, I’ll report it to the chamber.