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Motion Negatived

December 8, 2020

Hon. Donald Neil Plett (Leader of the Opposition)


That the Senate do now adjourn.

The Hon. the Acting Speaker [ - ]

All those in favour of the motion for the adjournment of the Senate will please say, “yea.”

The Hon. the Acting Speaker [ - ]

All those opposed will please say, “nay.”

The Hon. the Acting Speaker [ - ]

I believe the nays have it.

The Hon. the Acting Speaker [ - ]

I see two senators rising. Do we have an agreement on a bell?

The Hon. the Acting Speaker [ - ]

We have an agreement on 30 minutes. The vote will take place at 9:01.

Call in the senators.

Hon. Rosa Galvez [ - ]

I would like to have the opportunity to express the reason for my abstention.

Honourable senators, I abstained out of protest. I’m extremely disappointed that we got to this point at which we have to stop our work. I am disappointed, but mainly I am ashamed. This is not what Canadians deserve. Nobody expects that we agree on everything or on anything. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree.

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