QUESTION PERIOD — Agriculture and Agri-Food
Emissions Reduction Target
April 26, 2022
Honourable senators, my question today is for the government leader in the Senate. It concerns the Trudeau government’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer use on farms by 30% by 2030.
Last fall, Fertilizer Canada commissioned a report showing that the government’s plan would cost farmers nearly $48 billion over the next eight years. Fertilizer Canada stated:
When the federal government announced a 30 per cent emission reduction target for on-farm fertilizer use, it did so without consulting — the provinces, the agricultural sector or any key stakeholders — on the feasibility of such a target.
Leader, why didn’t this NDP-Liberal government work with farmers on its 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan before imposing a target that would devastate this entire sector?
Thank you for your question. I am not aware of the extent of the discussions that took place or continue to take place with various stakeholders, but I can assure this chamber that the government’s emissions targets are taken in the spirit and on the basis of advice and reflect Canada’s commitment to do its part to reduce greenhouse gases and climate change.
The reason you’re not aware of the consultation is because, as I said, there was none. That’s the problem.
Farmers are having a difficult time with their input costs, including fertilizer. Statistics Canada recently reported that prices for ammonia and chemical fertilizers have increased for 10 months in a row and are up year over year by over 88%. Fertilizer is not only expensive but very hard to find. Ongoing supply chain problems and Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine have led to fertilizer shortages around the world and there are growing fears about global food insecurity.
Leader, given all of this, why does this NDP-Liberal government think that now is a good time to put more restrictions on fertilizer use by Canadian farmers?
Thank you for your question. The government’s plan to combat climate change touches every aspect of our lives and our economy and is a necessary and welcome initiative in order to address this existential threat to our planet. Thank you.