QUESTION PERIOD — Ministry of Public Safety
Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Senate)
May 31, 2023
Well, since you asked me about the technical briefing, minister, let me ask you a question. Yesterday, Senator Gold’s parliamentary secretary, Mark Gerretsen, tweeted, “I’m calling on Senator @DonPlett to stop stalling & get tough on crime by passing C-21.” The bill has not been introduced in this chamber, minister. The Senate received Bill C-21 two sitting days ago. The sponsor has not spoken. I find it strange that he has been the parliamentary secretary in the Senate for a year and a half and he doesn’t have a clue how this chamber conducts its business. Why did Mark Gerretsen accuse me personally of stalling a bill that the government sponsor has not moved yet at second reading? Do you think this unfounded personal attack is warranted?
If the Government Representative in the Senate has a parliamentary secretary, that is news to me. I assure you, senator, that we will work very closely with you, and with everyone in this chamber, to ensure a thoughtful debate about Bill C-21.
I want to take a moment to underline that there is good policy in that bill in the form of the strengthened ban of an AR-15-style firearm; in the form of a national freeze on handguns; in the form of raising maximum sentences against hardened gun traffickers; and in the form of introducing red and yellow flag protocols so that we can reverse the trend in the connection between domestic abuse and gun violence. There is a lot of good in that bill, senator. My only request is that we work together to see it come into force so that we can save lives as quickly as possible.
Honourable senators, the time for Question Period has expired. I’m certain all senators would like to join me in thanking Minister Mendicino for joining us today.
We will now resume the proceedings that were interrupted at the start of Question Period.