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Senators' Attendance and Activities on Sitting Days

Past Session: Past Session:

The Senate has been keeping attendance records since 1867, and this information is recorded in the Senate Journals every day the Senate is sitting.

The Senators Attendance Policy, adopted by the Senate on June 9, 1998, provides for the recording of senators’ attendance during parliamentary sessions, and documents each senator’s compliance with the attendance requirements set out in the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act.

“Senators’ Attendance and Activities on Sitting Days” tabulates attendance on those days the Senate is sitting and does not encompass all of the responsibilities and activities of a senator throughout the year. The detailed Senators Attendance Register, prepared in accordance with the Senators Attendance Policy, may be consulted by selecting the individual senator followed by the month.

Go to : A B C D F G H J K L M N O P R S T V W
Information as of August 2021
Name Affiliation Sitting Days 1 Present and Attending to Senate Business 2 Other Public Business (Sitting Days) 3 Absent Due to Illness Leave 4
A Back to top
Anderson, Dawn PSG 56 56 0 0 0
Ataullahjan, Salma C 56 53 1 2 0
B Back to top
Batters, Denise C 56 52 4 0 0
Bellemare, Diane PSG 56 53 1 0 2
Bernard, Wanda Thomas PSG 56 49 7 0 0
Beyak, Lynn Resigned on 2021-01-25 Non-affiliated 23 16 7 0 0
Black, Douglas CSG 56 49 7 0 0
Black, Robert CSG 56 56 0 0 0
Boehm, Peter M. ISG 56 49 2 0 5
Boisvenu, Pierre-Hugues C 56 51 4 0 1
Boniface, Gwen ISG 56 54 2 0 0
Bovey, Patricia PSG 56 56 0 0 0
Boyer, Yvonne ISG 56 42 8 6 0
Brazeau, Patrick Non-affiliated 56 46 7 0 3
Busson, Bev ISG 56 52 4 0 0
C Back to top
Campbell, Larry W. Non-affiliated 56 46 1 8 1
Carignan, Claude C 56 56 0 0 0
Christmas, Dan ISG 56 42 0 14 0
Cordy, Jane PSG 56 52 4 0 0
Cormier, René ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Cotter, Brent ISG 56 53 2 0 1
Coyle, Mary ISG 56 49 7 0 0
D Back to top
Dagenais, Jean-Guy CSG 56 53 0 0 3
Dalphond, Pierre J. PSG 56 56 0 0 0
Dasko, Donna ISG 56 56 0 0 0
Dawson, Dennis PSG 56 47 6 0 3
Deacon, Colin CSG 56 49 7 0 0
Deacon, Marty ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Dean, Tony ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Downe, Percy E. CSG 56 53 3 0 0
Doyle, Norman E. Retired on 2020-11-10 C 10 0 4 0 6
Duffy, Michael Retired on 2021-05-26 ISG 41 33 7 1 0
Duncan, Pat ISG 56 49 4 0 3
Dupuis, Renée ISG 56 49 7 0 0
F Back to top
Forest, Éric ISG 56 52 4 0 0
Forest-Niesing, Josée ISG 56 49 7 0 0
Francis, Brian PSG 56 49 4 0 3
Frum, Linda C 56 43 8 1 4
Furey, George J. Non-affiliated 56 56 0 0 0
G Back to top
Gagné, Raymonde Non-affiliated 56 56 0 0 0
Galvez, Rosa ISG 56 54 1 0 1
Gold, Marc Non-affiliated 56 56 0 0 0
Greene, Stephen CSG 56 46 10 0 0
Griffin, Diane F. CSG 56 49 7 0 0
H Back to top
Harder, Peter PSG 56 54 1 0 1
Hartling, Nancy J. ISG 56 46 7 1 2
Housakos, Leo C 56 51 4 0 1
J Back to top
Jaffer, Mobina S. B. ISG 56 50 4 2 0
K Back to top
Keating, Judith Deceased on 2021-07-16 ISG 56 34 1 20 1
Klyne, Marty PSG 56 44 7 0 5
Kutcher, Stan ISG 56 53 3 0 0
L Back to top
LaBoucane-Benson, Patti Non-affiliated 56 56 0 0 0
Lankin, Frances ISG 56 40 5 8 3
Loffreda, Tony ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Lovelace Nicholas, Sandra M. PSG 56 25 8 13 10
M Back to top
MacDonald, Michael L. C 56 49 7 0 0
Manning, Fabian C 56 46 0 0 10
Marshall, Elizabeth C 56 52 4 0 0
Martin, Yonah C 56 55 0 0 1
Marwah, Sabi ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Massicotte, Paul J. ISG 56 54 1 0 1
McCallum, Mary Jane Non-affiliated 56 52 4 0 0
McCoy, Elaine Deceased on 2020-12-29 CSG 23 0 7 16 0
McPhedran, Marilou Non-affiliated 56 52 2 1 1
Mégie, Marie-Françoise ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Mercer, Terry M. PSG 56 52 4 0 0
Miville-Dechêne, Julie ISG 56 52 4 0 0
Mockler, Percy C 56 49 7 0 0
Moncion, Lucie ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Moodie, Rosemary ISG 56 52 4 0 0
Munson, Jim Retired on 2021-07-13 PSG 56 52 0 0 4
N Back to top
Ngo, Thanh Hai C 56 56 0 0 0
O Back to top
Oh, Victor C 56 54 0 0 2
Omidvar, Ratna ISG 56 53 3 0 0
P Back to top
Pate, Kim ISG 56 55 1 0 0
Patterson, Dennis Glen CSG 56 55 1 0 0
Petitclerc, Chantal ISG 56 50 4 0 2
Plett, Donald Neil C 56 56 0 0 0
Poirier, Rose-May C 56 31 1 23 1
R Back to top
Ravalia, Mohamed-Iqbal ISG 56 49 5 0 2
Richards, David Non-affiliated 56 41 9 0 6
Ringuette, Pierrette ISG 56 51 1 0 4
S Back to top
Saint-Germain, Raymonde ISG 56 56 0 0 0
Seidman, Judith G. C 56 56 0 0 0
Simons, Paula ISG 56 52 4 0 0
Sinclair, Murray Resigned on 2021-01-30 ISG 23 7 7 0 9
Smith, Larry W. CSG 56 55 1 0 0
Stewart Olsen, Carolyn Retired on 2021-07-26 C 56 47 7 0 2
T Back to top
Tannas, Scott CSG 56 55 1 0 0
V Back to top
Verner, Josée CSG 56 41 5 3 7
W Back to top
Wallin, Pamela CSG 56 55 1 0 0
Wells, David M. C 56 53 1 0 2
Wetston, Howard ISG 56 49 7 0 0
White, Vernon CSG 56 53 1 2 0
Woo, Yuen Pau ISG 56 56 0 0 0
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