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REFO - Special Committee

Senate Reform (Special)

Proceedings of the Special Senate Committee on
Senate Reform

First Session, Thirty-ninth Parliament, 2006

Chair: The Honourable DANIEL HAYS

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Issue No. 2

Third meeting on:

Subjet-matter of Bill S-4, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Senate tenure)

Motion to amend the Constitution of Canada (Western regional representation in the Senate)


The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada


Privy Council Office:

Matthew King, Assistant Secretary to Cabinet, Legislation and House Planning;

Dan McDougall, Director of Operations, Legislation and House Planning.

Department of Justice Canada:

Warren J. Newman, General Counsel, Constitutional and Administrative Law Section.


The Honourable Daniel Hays, Chair

The Honourable W. David Angus, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Austin, P.C., Chaput, Dawson, *Hays (or Fraser), Hubley, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Comeau), Munson, Murray, P.C., Segal, Tkachuk, Watt

*Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

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