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REFO - Special Committee

Senate Reform (Special)

Proceedings of the Special Senate Committee on
Senate Reform

First Session, Thirty-ninth Parliament, 2006

Chair: The Honourable DANIEL HAYS

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Issue No. 3

Fourth meeting on:

Subjet-matter of Bill S-4, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Senate tenure)

Motion to amend the Constitution of Canada (Western regional representation in the Senate)


The Honourable Gary Mar, Minister of International and Intergovernmental Relations, Government of Alberta


As individuals:

Roger Gibbins, President and CEO, Canada West Foundation;

Gerald Baier, Canadian Bicentennial Visiting Professor, MacMillan Centre for International and Area Studies, Yale University;

Philip Resnick, Professor, Political Science, University of British Columbia (by video conference);

Andrew Heard, Associate Professor, Political Science Department, Simon Fraser University.


The Honourable Daniel Hays, Chair

The Honourable W. David Angus, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Chaput, Dawson, Fraser, Munson, *Hays (or Fraser), Hubley, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Comeau), Murray, P.C., Segal, Tkachuk, Watt

*Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Change in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The name of the Honourable Senator Fraser was substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Austin, P.C. (September 19, 2006).

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