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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Transport and Communications

First Session Thirty-ninth Parliament, 2006-07

The Honourable LISE BACON

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Issue No. 12

First, second and third meetings on:

Bill C-11, An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act and the Railway Safety Act
and to make consequential amendments to other Acts


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P., Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Transport Canada:

Brigita Gravitis-Beck, Director General, Air Policy;

Helena Borges, Director General, Surface Transportation Policy;

Alain Langlois, Legal Counsel, Legal Services.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Canadian Bar Association:

John D. Bodrug, Vice Chair, National Competition Law Section;

Tamra L. Thomson, Director, Legislation and Law Reform.

Travellers' Protection Initiative:

Michael Pepper, President and CEO, Travel Industry Council of Ontario;

Christiane Théberge, President and CEO, Association of Canadian Travel Agencies (ACTA).

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Canadian Industrial Transportation Association:

Bob Ballantyne, President.

Forest Products Association of Canada:

Avrim Lazar, President and CEO.

Western Canadian Shippers' Coalition:

Ian May, Chair.

Western Grain Elevator Association:

Cam Dahl, Director of Government Relations, Agricore United.


The Honourable Lise Bacon, Chair

The Honourable David Tkachuk, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Adams, Dawson, Eyton, *Hervieux-Payette, P.C., (or Tardif), Johnson, *LeBreton, P.C., (or Comeau), Mercer, Merchant, Munson, Phalen, Segal, Zimmer

*Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Changes in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The name of the Honourable Senator Segal substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Carney, P.C. (May 1, 2007).

The name of the Honourable Senator Peterson substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Dawson (May 1, 2007).

The name of the Honourable Senator Dawson substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Peterson (May 3, 2007).

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