Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs, Science and Technology
Issue 2 - Evidence - Meeting of December 12, 2007
OTTAWA, Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology met this day at 4 p.m. to consider a draft budget.
Barbara Reynolds, Clerk of the Committee: Honourable senators, as your clerk, I see a quorum. Neither the chair nor the deputy chair is able to be here today for this meeting. I am ready to receive nominations for an acting chair.
Senator Munson: I nominate Senator Pépin to be our acting chair.
Ms. Reynolds: Are there any other nominations? Is that agreed?
Hon. Senators: Agreed.
Ms. Reynolds: I would invite the Honourable Senator Pépin to take the chair as our acting chair.
Senator Lucie Pépin (Acting Chair) in the chair.
The Acting Chair: We must pass a budget before hearing presentations for the Population Health Committee.
I believe everyone has received a copy of the budget. It seems that we have a total budget of $28,400 with $25,000 for hiring staff, if we need it.
I can provide a little more detail. We have $15,000 available for hiring Dr. Gordon Cleveland to complete a paper on international comparisons. We have another $5,000 towards hiring graduate students to complete a literature review. The remaining $5,000 is yet to be determined. The total towards science and technology is $3,000. Towards legislation, we have a total of $7,000. I spoke to Senator Keon with respect to the responsibility for the determinants of health.
Senator Cook: On a point of clarification, Senator Trenholme Counsell mentioned to me that she was applying for a research consultant; however, that was not the figure she mentioned. I do not want to get into details, but this is not the figure she mentioned. She is not here, however, so we cannot clarify with her.
The Acting Chair: I spoke with Senator Keon, and he told me I should provide an explanation with regards to travel. Until the end of March, we will be having guests —
Senator Cook: No, I am not questioning the amount. I am just questioning the information that Senator Trenholme Counsell volunteered to me. It is not the same as we just heard. That is my only concern.
The Acting Chair: I believe that Senator Trenholme Counsell has hired someone for the study she wants to propose on child care.
Senator Cook: I understand that. What I am saying is that the amount she told me she was intending to ask for is not the same as the amount we just heard.
The Acting Chair: It is not listed, either.
Senator Cook: If this is the correct amount, I am fine with that.
The Acting Chair: As I said, Senator Keon said we will have invited guests here in Ottawa until the end of March. There will be a presentation of a new budget in April, and that will include travel to Newfoundland.
Senator Callbeck: The first budget that we have here is for child care, and the other two are for what, the overall committee?
Ms. Reynolds: With respect to the other two budgets, one is for the science and technology study, which the committee agreed at an earlier meeting would take approximately two meetings to deal with. The amount there is to cover the working meals.
Senator Callbeck: That appears on that report?
Ms. Reynolds: Yes.
Senator Callbeck: What is the other one?
Ms. Reynolds: The other budget is with respect to legislation, in anticipation of having a number of bills come to the committee. The amount there is basically to pay for working meals.
There are three separate budgets.
The Acting Chair: I need a motion to accept.
Senator Cordy: I so move.
The Acting Chair: All in favour?
Hon. Senators: Agreed.
The Acting Chair: Carried. All three budgets pass.
Senator Trenholme Counsell: Is to too late to ask questions?
The Acting Chair: The budgets have been approved, but you can ask questions.
Senator Trenholme Counsell: In the vote for the budget, does that include the date of completing the work?
Ms. Reynolds: This budget goes until the end of the fiscal year, which is March 31. If the study were to continue beyond March 31, the committee would put in a new budget for the next fiscal year, to cover any activities that would take place in April or May.
Senator Trenholme Counsell: In one place, I saw a date of May 1. That is just a work plan, which was not discussed.
Ms. Reynolds: No.
Senator Trenholme Counsell: Thank you.
The Acting Chair: The committee is adjourned.
The committee adjourned.