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SOCI - Standing Committee

Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs, Science and Technology

First Session, Forty-first Parliament, 2011


Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Issue No. 5

Fifth and sixth meetings on:

Examining the progress in implementing the 2004 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Canadian Pharmacists Association:

Jeff Poston, Executive Director.

Health Canada:

Abby Hoffman, Assistant Deputy Minister.

Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network:

Dr. Robert Peterson, Executive Directeur.

As an individual:

Steve Morgan, Associate Director, Center for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columbia

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Genome Canada:

Dr. Pierre Meulien, President and CEO.

Canadian Academy of Health Sciences:

Dr. Paul Armstrong, Founding and Former President.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research:

Dr. Alain Beaudet, President;

Dr. Robyn Tamblyn, Scientific Director.

Canada Health Infoway:

Richard Alvarez, President and Chief Executive Officer;

Mike Sheridan, Chief Operating Officer.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada:

Neil Maxwell, Assistant Auditor General;

Louise Dubé, Principal.


The Honourable Kelvin Kenneth Ogilvie, Chair

The Honourable Art Eggleton, P.C., Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Braley, Cordy, *Cowan (or Tardif), Demers, Dyck, Eaton, Hubley, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Carignan), Martin, Merchant, Seidman, Verner, P.C.

*Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Change in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The Honourable Senator Hubley replaced the Honourable Senator Callbeck (October 27, 2011).

The Honourable Senator Eaton replaced the Honourable Senator Champagne, P.C. (October 26, 2011).

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