Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Finance
First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 2015-16-17
Chair: The Honourable LARRY W. SMITH
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Issue No. 26
First and second meetings:
Study on the financial implications and regional considerations of Canada's aging population
First and second meetings:
Supplementary Estimates (C) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017
- Orders of Reference
- Minutes of Proceedings - February 28, 2017 (morning meeting)
- Minutes of Proceedings - February 28, 2017 (afternoon meeting)
- Minutes of Proceedings - March 1, 2017 (afternoon meeting)
- Minutes of Proceedings - March 1, 2017 (evening meeting)
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - February 28, 2017 (morning meeting)
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - February 28, 2017 (afternoon meeting)
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - March 1, 2017 (afternoon meeting)
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - March 1, 2017 (evening meeting)
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (morning meeting)
The Conference Board of Canada:
Louis Thériault, Vice-President, Public Policy.
As individuals:
Dr. Dennis Furlong, former Minister of Health, New Brunswick;
Richard Saillant, Economist and Author.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (afternoon meeting)
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat:
Marcia Santiago, Executive Director, Expenditure Management Sector;
Darryl Sprecher, Senior Director, Expenditure Management Sector;
Renée LaFontaine, Assistant Secretary and Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Services Sector.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:
Pierre Corriveau, Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Management Branch;
France Pégeot, Assistant Deputy Minister, Programs Branch.
Infrastructure Canada:
Marc Fortin, Assistant Deputy Minister, Program Operations;
Cynthia Cantlie, Director General, Finance and Contracting.
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada:
Paul Thoppil, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Financial Officer Sector;
Catherine Blanchard, Director General, Planning and Resource Management, Chief Financial Officer Sector;
Serge Beaudoin, Director General, Sector Operations Branch, Regional Operations Sector.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017 (afternoon meeting)
Global Affairs Canada:
Arun Thangaraj, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer;
Shirley Carruthers, Acting Director General, Financial Resource Planning and Management Bureau.
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC):
Mark Perlman, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Financial Officer Branch;
Jason Won, Director General, Financial Management and Advisory Services and Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Chief Financial Officer Branch;
Alexis Conrad, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Learning Branch.
National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces:
Patrick Finn, Assistant Deputy Minister, Materiel;
Brigadier-General Werner Liedtke, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Director General, Financial Management;
Brigadier-General M. A. Frank, Director General, Defence Force Planning.
Veterans Affairs Canada:
Elizabeth Stuart, Assistant Deputy Minister, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch;
Faith McIntyre, Director General, Policy and Research Division.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police:
Dennis Watters, Acting Chief Financial Administration Officer.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017 (evening meeting)
As individuals:
David K. Foot, Economist and Demographer;
Don Drummond, Adjunct Professor and Stauffer-Dunning Fellow, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University (by video conference).
Canadian Medical Association:
Dr. Granger Avery, President;
Owen Adams, Chief Policy Advisor.
The Honourable Larry W. Smith, Chair
The Honourable Anne C. Cools, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:
Andreychuk, Ataullahjan, Baker, P.C., Black, *Carignan, P.C. (or Martin), Day, Forest, *Harder, P.C. (or Bellemare), Marshall, Mockler, Moncion, Neufeld, Pratte, Woo
*Ex officio members
(Quorum 4)
Changes in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 12-5 and to the order of the Senate of December 7, 2016, membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The Honourable Senator Ataullahjan replaced the Honourable Senator Tkachuk (March 1, 2017).
The Honourable Senator Pratte replaced the Honourable Senator Lankin, P.C. (February 28, 2017).
The Honourable Senator Tkachuk replaced the Honourable Senator Stewart Olsen (February 28, 2017).
The Honourable Senator Lankin, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Pratte (February 27, 2017).
The Honourable Senator Woo replaced the Honourable Senator Dean (February 16, 2017).
The Honourable Senator Neufeld replaced the Honourable Senator Tkachuk (February 16, 2017).
The Honourable Senator Stewart Olsen replaced the Honourable Senator Housakos (February 16, 2017).