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NFFN - Standing Committee

National Finance

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Finance

First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 2015-16-17

Chair: The Honourable PERCY MOCKLER

Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Issue No. 29

Fourth and fifth meetings:

Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Health Canada:

Randy Larkin, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Chief Financial Officer Branch;

Sony Perron, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch.

Canadian Heritage:

Guylaine F. Roy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Cultural Affairs;

Andrew Francis, Chief Financial Officer.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation:

Wojo Zielonka, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Capital Markets;

Charles MacArthur, Senior Vice President, Regional Operations and Assisted Housing.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada:

Paul Thoppil, Chief Finances, Results and Delivery Officer, Finances, Results and Delivery Sector;

Stephen Van Dine, Assistant Deputy Minister, Northern Affairs Sector.

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada:

Colette Downie, Assistant Deputy Minister, Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Management Sector;

Mitch Davies, Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy Sector.

Transport Canada:

André Lapointe, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Services;

Laureen Kinney, Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety and Security.


The Honourable Percy Mockler, Chair

The Honourable Anne C. Cools, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Baker, P.C., Black, Day, Eaton, Forest, *Harder, P.C. (or Bellemare), Marshall, Moncion, Neufeld, Pratte, , Raine, *Smith (or Martin), Woo

*Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Changes in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 12-5 and to the order of the Senate of December 7, 2016, membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The Honourable Senator Raine replaced the Honourable Senator Andreychuk (April 5, 2017).

The Honourable Senator Andreychuk replaced the Honourable Senator Tannas (April 4, 2017).

The Honourable Senator Lang was removed from the membership of the committee, substitution pending (April 4, 2017).

The Honourable Senator Lang was added to the membership (April 4, 2017).

The Honourable Senator Smith was removed from the membership of the committee, substitution pending (April 4, 2017).

The Honourable Senator Tannas replaced the Honourable Senator Andreychuk (April 3, 2017).

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