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Budget 2024

April 16, 2024

Hon. Leo Housakos [ + ]

Senator Gold, we already know everything in the budget, including what your government is calling “higher taxes for the wealthy.” Former governor of the Bank of Canada David Dodge has said that’s exactly the wrong thing to do. He says that the upcoming budget will be the most misdirected budget since 1982. Incidentally, another Trudeau was in office at that time.

We’ve confirmed by this Prime Minister that he doesn’t read memos. Somehow, I doubt that he and the Minister of Finance are actually capable of counting, but something we do know is the following: What are the definitions of “wealthy” and “middle class” vis-à-vis this government? Have they told you what that is? Can you tell us what it is? Can you give us a clear definition, giving us a precise range of numbers for what Trudeau considers to be middle class, and what he considers to be wealthy? Just give us a range of numbers, if you can, government leader.

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate)

Thank you for your question. I think when the budget is announced — and it will be later today — then the very precise and specific answers to your questions will be made public.

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