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Interest Costs on Federal Debt

April 16, 2024

Hon. Leo Housakos [ + ]

Senator Gold, it’s been years that we’ve been trying to obtain a range and a definition — from this government — of what “middle class” is. You haven’t been able to do it. What is wealthy? You haven’t been able to do it. We’re on the eve of a budget that’s supposed to tax the wealthy — that has already been announced — and you can’t even tell us what wealthy is, or who it is.

Senator Gold, defining “wealthy” should be easy enough to do, but let’s try something even simpler. Maybe your government can answer this: How much will it cost Canadians to service the current debt being added to today’s budget? How much are you paying this year to service the debt, Senator Gold?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate)

When the budget is made public, all of those questions will be answered properly, and for the questions that you may still have — as I’m sure you will — you will ultimately have ample opportunity to discuss them, both in this chamber and at committee.

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