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SECD - Standing Committee

National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Security and Defence

Second Session, Forty-first Parliament, 2013-14

Chair: The Honourable DANIEL LANG

Monday, May 12, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014

Issue No. 7

Second (final) meeting on:

The subject-matter of those elements contained in Divisions 1 and 7 of Part 6 of Bill C-31, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 11, 2014 and other measures

Seventh and eighth meetings on:

The status of Canada's international security and defence relations, including but not limited to, relations with the United States, NATO, and NORAD

Eighth meeting on:

Policies, practices, and collaborative efforts of Canada Border Services Agency in determining admissibility to Canada and removal of inadmissible individuals

Fifth meeting on:

Canada's national security and defence policies, practices, circumstances and capabilities

First meeting on:

Study on the medical, social, and operational impacts of mental health issues affecting serving and retired members of the Canadian Armed Forces, including operational stress injuries (OSIs) such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Second meeting on:

Study on the services and benefits provided to members of the Canadian Forces; to veterans; to members and former members of  the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their families

(The subject-matter of those elements contained in Divisions 1 and 7 of Part 6 of Bill C-31)

(Interim Report — The Transition to Civilian Life of Veterans)


Monday, May 12, 2014

As individuals:

Lieutenant-General (U.S.A.) (Retired) Robert G. Gard Jr., Chairman, Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation;

The Honorable Philip E. Coyle, Senior Science Fellow, Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation.

Canadian Centre for International Justice:

Jayne Stoyles, Executive Director.

As an individual:

Sharryn J. Aiken, Associate Dean (Graduate Studies & Research) and Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Queen's University.

As individuals:

Sandy Boucher, former Detective Chief Inspector, Hong Kong Royal Police;

Garry Clement, retired RCMP officer.

National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces:

Steve Harris, Director of History and Heritage;

Lieutenant-Colonel Jeff Smyth, Director Defence Force Planning, Organization and Establishment;

Lieutenant-Colonel Perry Poirier, Assistant G1, Canadian Army;

Patrick Bryden, G1 Heritage, Canadian Army.

Royal Canadian Legion:

Brad White, Dominion Secretary;

Danny Martin, Secretary, Defence and Security Committee.

Monday, May 26, 2014

As individuals:

The Honourable David Pratt, P.C., former Minister of National Defence;

The Honourable Bill Graham, P.C., former Minister of National Defence.

Commission for Public Complaints Against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

Ian McPhail, Interim Chair;

Richard Evans, Senior Director, Operations.

Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada:

Rae Banwarie, President.

Association des membres de la police montée du Québec:

Gaétan Delisle, President.

RCMP Staff Relations Representative Program:

Staff Sergeant Abe Townsend, National Executive;

Superintendent Doug Anthony, National Executive.

Mounted Police Association of Ontario:

John White, President.


The Honourable Daniel Lang, Chair

The Honourable Roméo Antonius Dallaire, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

*Carignan, P.C. (or Martin), *Cowan (or Fraser), Dagenais, Jaffer, McIntyre, Mitchell, Oh, Segal, White

* Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Changes in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 12-5, membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The Honourable Senator McIntyre replaced the Honourable Senator Wells (May 26, 2014).

The Honourable Senator Oh replaced the Honourable Senator Beyak (May 26, 2014).

The Honourable Senator Wells replaced the Honourable Senator McIntyre (May 12, 2014).

The Honourable Senator McIntyre replaced the Honourable Senator Wells (May 12, 2014).

The Honourable Senator Segal replaced the Honourable Senator Stewart Olsen (May 7, 2014).

The Honourable Senator Stewart Olsen replaced the Honourable Senator Segal (May 7, 2014).

The Honourable Senator Jaffer replaced the Honourable Senator Day (May 6, 2014).

The Honourable Senator Segal replaced the Honourable Senator Tkachuk (May 6, 2014).

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