Délibérations du Comité sénatorial permanent de
l'Énergie, de l'environnement et des ressources naturelles
Fascicule nº 31 - Procès-verbal du 28 septembre 2017
OTTAWA, Thursday, September 28, 2017
The Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources met this day at 9:01 am, in room 257, East Block, the chair, the Honourable Richard Neufeld, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Dean, Fraser, Galvez, Griffin, MacDonald, Massicotte, Neufeld, Patterson, Seidman and Wetston (10).
In attendance: Sam Banks and Marc LeBlanc, Analysts, Parliamentary Information and Research Services, Library of Parliament.
Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.
Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 10, 2016, the committee continued its study on the effects of transitioning to a low carbon economy. (For complete text of the order of reference, see proceedings of the committee, Issue No. 4.)
As an individual:
James Tansey, Executive Director, Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability, University of British Columbia.
Mr. Tansey made a statement and answered questions.
At 10:04, the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.
Maxime Fortin
Clerk of the Committee